Dr Leah Wright
Emergency & Critical Care Specialist
Dr Leah Wright
Emergency & Critical Care Specialist
Leah graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2009 and achieved Membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Small Animal Medicine (MANZCVS SAM) by examination. In 2017 Leah has completed a Master in Veterinary Conservation Medicine (MVS Con. Med.) through. Murdoch University. She then commenced a residency in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, and successfully passed Fellowship examinations in Veterinary Emergency Medicine and Critical Care (FANZCVS VEMCC) in 2022.
Leah began her career as a mixed practice veterinarian in Katherine, Northern Territory. A large part of her time in this role was spent undertaking community dog programs in remote indigenous communities. Leah left the N.T. in 2011, and began working in a busy small animal practice in Ballarat. In 2013 Leah’s love for learning lead her to an internship at the University of Sydney.
Leah took a break from clinical work to undertake volunteer work in Malaysian Borneo in 2015, and during her Master in Conservation Medicine, she spent 6-weeks at Healesville Sanctuary developing knowledge and skills in wildlife medicine.
Leah joined the Animal Emergency Centre, Hallam as a senior emergency veterinarian in 2015, and in 2017 she commenced a residency in Emergency and Critical Care at VRH. After completion of her residency, Leah spent 15 months as an ECC registrar at in another speciality hospital before returning to VRH in October 2022 as an Emergency and Critical Care Specialist.
Leah speaks about why she enjoys with at VRH:
“VRH has the most amazing collaborative approach to veterinary medicine. Clinicians across difference departments work together to achieve the best outcome for our patients, and there is always someone willing and available to bounce ideas off. The team are friendly and helpful, and the facilities are great.”
Leah particularly enjoys managing complex critical patients including major trauma, sepsis, endocrine emergencies and transfusion medicine.
Outside of work Leah lives with her partner, Tim and their 2 Dalmatians, Chayce and Clover, and 2 cats, Puddy and Tully. Both Chayce and Tully have been Blood Donor Heroes and saved the lives of many patients at VRH. In her spare time you’ll find Leah participating in triathlons and enjoys playing soccer.